Operational Excellence is the execution of business strategy with greater consistency and efficiency than the competition. The role of the SACIL team is to facilitate the implementation of the behaviors and work process required to achieve what the business requires to be successful.
That being said, it’s important to establish clear goals for the implementation of Operational Excellence so that the organization can fairly judge whether its investment in Operational Excellence is generating the desired return. The Operational Excellence goals are divided into three broad categories:
- Financial. These goals are focused on the monetary aspects of the business—such as reducing costs or improving revenues.
- Operational. These goals tend to focus on improving productivity or quality so as to differentiate SACIL from its competitors.
- Cultural/Workforce. These goals are designed to improve the workforce’s capabilities, commitment, and discretionary effort.
- SACIL ensures that individual goals and associated metrics align with the business’ needs and overall strategy.
Here are a few examples of operational excellence goals that SACIL has adopted to improve the execution of its overall business strategy:
- An Organization with clear goals
- Straighter and simpler work processes
- Shorter lead times – declining costs
- Focus on quality
- To exceed client expectations
- True leadership